
  • Type Price
    Regular fee for 18-66 year olds 13.000 kr
    Regular fee for children, the elderly and the disabled 5.600 kr
    Express fee for 18-66 year olds 26.000 kr
    Express fee for children, the elderly and the disabled 11.000 kr

    See more detail here (in icelandic)

  • Type of certificate Unit price
    Birth certificate 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of marital status 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of custody 3.000 kr.
    Confirmation of current legal domicile for one 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of legal registration history – without addresses, countries specified 3.000 kr.
    Marriage certificate 3.000 kr.
    Confirmation of current legal domicile for everyone with the same family registration code 3.000 kr.
    Death certificate 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of citizenship 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of cohabitation 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of change of name 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of marital history – Special processing 11.350 kr.
    Certificate of legal registration history – with addresses. Special processing 11.350 kr.
    Confirmation of life 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of legal competence 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of personal competence 3.000 kr.
    Certificate of financial competence 3.000 kr.
  • With the help of an employee over the phone or at the counter 860 kr. e.g. to get legal address information about a unique social security number.

  • Grunngjald er greitt fyrir aðalstarfsstöð og auk þess útibúsgjald fyrir hverja starfsstöð sé notandi með fleiri starfsstöðvar. Aðili sem er með rekstur innan skilgreindrar starfsstöðvar á annarri kennitölu en þeirrar starfsstöðvar skal greiða útibúsgjald.

    Gjald fyrir starfsstöð Gjald fyrir útibú
    I. Grunnskrá þjóðskrár:
    Grunnskrá 144.000 36.800
    Grunnskrá með viðbótarupplýsingum A 173.200 36.800
    Grunnskrá með viðbótarupplýsingum B 288.500 36.800
    II. Aðrar skrár þjóðskrár:
    Horfinnaskrá 1 36.800 33.000
    Horfinnaskrá 2 55.000 33.000
    Horfinnaskrá 3 137.000 33.000
    Kerfiskennitöluskrá 1 18.600 9.500
    Kerfiskennitöluskrá 2 31.100 9.500

    Athygli er vakin á því að öll miðlun þjóðskrár fer í gegnum miðlara sem innheimtir gjald samkvæmt eigin gjaldskrá.

  • For persons aged 18 and over
    • 9,200 ISK
    • Expedited delivery price: ISK 18,400
    For children, disabled and the elderly
    • 4,600 ISK
    • Expedited delivery price: ISK 9,200

    The same price is for ID cards whether they are travel documents or not

Special processing

    • Starting fee: kr. 49.500 (2 hours expert work included).
    • Expert's hourly fee: kr. 17.500.
    • Hourly rate of general employee: kr. 12.000.
    • In addition, there may be fees for the purchase of data from files if the data is subject to a fee.
    • Examples of special processing:
      • Number of inhabitants in Iceland by postal code or age.

Price list of Registers Iceland from the website of the Icelandic Legal Gazette (in Icelandic) 

Registers Iceland no longer sends out invoices and payment slips on paper, in accordance with the government’s policy of paper-free transactions. Claims are published in customers’ online banking. Those who can receive electronic invoices via a message server for xml invoices are to contact Registers Iceland’s financial team, fjarmal@skra.is. Registers Iceland works in collaboration with Advania, InExchange and Sendill’s message server.