Religious or Life Stance Affiliation - 15 years and younger - Confirmation

Notification of changes of registered religious or life stance affiliation 15 years and younger.


E-mail or mail

Price:No charge


State contributions to registered religious or life stance affiliation is based on the number of persons in each registered religious or life stance affiliation on 1st December each year.

In this form you can choose from three types of registration of religious or life stance affiliation in the National Registry.
No religious or life stance affiliation. Taxes paid to the national treasury
Unspecified. The religious or life stance affiliation is not recognized by law or the individual doesn‘t want any information about religious or life stance affiliation registered. Taxes paid to the National Treasury.
Registration in a recognized religious or life stance affiliation. State contributions to registered religious or life stance affiliation is based on the number of persons in each registered religious or life stance affiliation on Desember 1st each year.
Children under 16 require the consent of their parents (between the ages of 12 and 16 both parents and child must consent)