EEA or EFTA nationals that apply for registration in Iceland need to demonstrate their capacity for financial support for at least three months from their registration date. Cash is not considered as satisfactory confirmation of support. The amount is based on the minimum financial support criteria in Reykjavík.

    • The monthly minimum subsistence is 239.895 ISK.
    • The three-month minimum is 719.685 ISK. Employees need to demonstrate that they have at least 239.895 ISK in salary per month for at least three months.
    • Individuals with private means of support have to demonstrate that they have at least 719.685 ISK to support them financially while staying in Iceland.
    • The combined monthly minimum subsistence is 383.832 ISK.
    • The three-month minimum is 1.151.496 ISK. If the couples are employees, either one of them or both, they have to have at least 383.832 in total monthly salary for at least three months.
    • Couples who come here as individuals with private means of support, have to demonstrate that they have at least 1.151.496 ISK combined to support them financially while staying in Iceland.
    • Monthly minimum subsistence is 119.948 ISK.
    • The three-month minimum is 359.844 ISK.

    If the individual is fully supported by the parents, the above-mentioned amount is added to their minimum subsistence. The minimum subsistence does not increase in case of children under the age of 18 years old.

  • In the case of an individual older than 21 years’ old that will stay with a relative (an individual) and is supported by the relative, the monthly minimum subsistence for the relative is...

    • 442.018 ISK per month.
    • 1.326.054 ISK for three-month.

    In the case of an individual older than 21 years’ old that will stay with relatives (a married couple) and is supported by them, the monthly minimum subsistence for the relatives is...

    • 585.955 ISK per month.
    • 1.757.865 ISK for three-month