Registration of religious or life stance affiliation

The purpose of registering religious or life stance affiliation is to gather statistical information on the number of persons belonging to each religious or life stance affiliation as of 1 December each year in order to calculate state contributions to the associations. The law stipulates that each person can only be registered for one such religious or life stance association at each time. Persons can only be registered for religious or life stance associations that have been legally registered. If a person wishes to be registered to a religious or life stance association that has not been registered, the person is listed as belonging to an undefined religious or life stance association.

All persons are registered to a religious association, life stance association, outside religious or life stance associations or belonging to an undefined religious or life stance association when they are first registered in the National Registry, i.e. when a newborn is registered or when a foreign national registers a legal domicile in Iceland. 

A special notice must be made of changes of registered religious or life stance affiliation.

Age 16 and older:

Persons over the age of 16 can themselves decide to register to a religious or life stance association or change their registration with a notification on the Form A-283.

Younger than 16:

Custodians have to sign a declaration of a change in the child’s registration for a religious or life stance association. Children who have reached the age of 12 must also sign the declaration.

My registration

See your information on Í, including your current religious or life stance affiliation.

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