Parliamentary elections 2024

Where is my polling place? Here, voters can check whether and where they are on the electoral register for the upcoming parliamentary elections on the 30th of November. 

When the kennitala (ID number) is entered, the voters name, legal domicile and municipality appears. Information about the polling station and polling division is also displayed.

Voters are on the electoral register in the municipality where they have a legal domicile (address) on the 29th of October 2024.

If you have any questions regarding the electoral roll please us at

Write your kennitala in the field below to see where you should vote:

Vinsamlegast sláðu inn kennitölu.


Who is eligible to vote in the upcoming presidential elections?

  • Icelandic citizens, age 18 and older, with a legal domicile in Iceland 
  • Icelandic citizens, age 18 and older, living abroad are eligible to vote for 16 years after moving abroad.
  • Icelandic citizens, age 18 and older, living abroad for more longer than 16 years, must submit an application to Registers Iceland to be able to vote.
  • Foreign citizens living in Iceland, and do not have an Icelandic citizenship, are not eligible to vote in presidential or parliamentary elections

See further information here

Information page regarding ongoing elections.

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