Lokað verður hjá Þjóðskrá Íslands 24. desember og 31. desember næstkomandi sem og jóladag, annan í jólum og nýársdag. Að öðru leyti er opnunartími óbreyttur frá klukkan 9 til 15 alla virka daga yfir hátíðarnar.
Þjóðskrá Íslands minnir á að afgreiðsla stofnunarinnar er lokuð vegna Covid-19 og minnum við á að flest erindi er hægt að leysa á vef stofnunarinnar www.skra.is eða með því að hafa samband við þjónustuver á skra@skra.is eða í síma 515-5300. Einnig er snjallmenni aðgengilegt allan sólarhringinn á www.skra.is en ráðgjafar svara einungis á opnunartíma.
Opening hours during holidays
Registers Iceland will be closed on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 31st of december as well as on 1st of january. Opening hours are otherwise unchanged and the service center can be reached between 9am and 3pm all working days. We remind our customers that the service can currently only be reached online or by telephone due to Covid-19.
To contact us please use our online services on www.skra.is. Our service center is open and replies to emails (skra@skra.is) as well as phone calls to 515-5300 between 9 am and 3 pm on business days. Our chatbot is available 24 hours a day but service agents answer during working hours. Registers Iceland will announce as soon as changes will be made to this arrangement.
Þjóðskrá Íslands minnir á að afgreiðsla stofnunarinnar er lokuð vegna Covid-19 og minnum við á að flest erindi er hægt að leysa á vef stofnunarinnar www.skra.is eða með því að hafa samband við þjónustuver á skra@skra.is eða í síma 515-5300. Einnig er snjallmenni aðgengilegt allan sólarhringinn á www.skra.is en ráðgjafar svara einungis á opnunartíma.
Opening hours during holidays
Registers Iceland will be closed on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 31st of december as well as on 1st of january. Opening hours are otherwise unchanged and the service center can be reached between 9am and 3pm all working days. We remind our customers that the service can currently only be reached online or by telephone due to Covid-19.
To contact us please use our online services on www.skra.is. Our service center is open and replies to emails (skra@skra.is) as well as phone calls to 515-5300 between 9 am and 3 pm on business days. Our chatbot is available 24 hours a day but service agents answer during working hours. Registers Iceland will announce as soon as changes will be made to this arrangement.