Lost passport

Price:No charge


Please note that if a child's passport is being reported lost or stolen, both custodians must submit a notification/confirmation of the lost passport in the case of joint custody.

Passports that are reported lost are recorded in the Schengen and Interpol information systems and are thereby unusable. The loss of a passport shall be reported without delay to police, Registers Iceland or Iceland foreign service representatives abroad, with a specific account being provided of the details of its loss (Act No. 136/1998, on Passports).

According to Paragraph 3 of Act on Passports, a new passport must be issued with the same validity time as the previous passport if it has been reported lost.

If passport is found please hand it in with the nearest district commissioner office, Iceland foreign service representatives abroad or Registers Iceland.

Once a passport has been registered in the above systems, it is irreversible and it can cause great inconvenience if it is presented at borders.